Contact Siân as a constituent

Drop us a line

If you live in Brighton Pavilion and need support or advice you can call, email or write any time:

Email and telephone: [email protected] or call 01273 201130

Postal address: Siân Berry MP, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA

(Please note: Siân’s post is screened by Parliament’s security service which may cause a slight delay)

Siân also holds weekly surgeries to speak directly with constituents, and you can book an appointment at one of these using the contact details above.

Questions about Government policy or national issues: The best way to communicate with Siân if you need help or have questions is by email, though we understand of course this option is not available for everyone.
[email protected]

We will put a telephone number here as soon as we can.

*** Please include your full postal address however you choose to get in touch. This will help Siân and her team respond to your enquiry. ***


If you write to, email or call Siân, personal information which you supply may be used in a number of ways. For example:

·         To help resolve a problem you have asked for help with

·         To keep you updated about an issue you have raised

·         To support democratic engagement and voter accountability

·         For statistical analysis

We do not collect or hold data on individuals that comes from any sources other than those which you have provided or which is provided in the course of following up a case or enquiry you have raised with Siân.

Your personal details will not be shared or passed on to anyone else without your active consent. We will seek your permission first if, for example, you have asked Siân to help you resolve an immigration or housing matter and we need to contact the relevant authorities. If you are not a constituent your emails or letters may be passed to your own MP, in line with parliamentary protocol.

Emails, letters and other communications you send to Siân may be seen by her  case workers and/or the other staff who work for her.

Siân keeps a record of your correspondence and information about anything you have raised with her on file. You have a right to make a request verbally or in writing that we delete any information we hold and we will respond within one month. You can find out more about this right here. You also have the right to request information about what data we hold on you and to receive a response within one month.

We will occasionally contact you proactively to update you on Siân’s work specifically on the issues you have raised with her. You can opt out of receiving these updates at any time by replying and putting “opt out” in the subject line. You may opt out from updates on a given issue at any point in the future in the same way. We will never send you unsolicited general updates or communications without your consent.

You have a right to  complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office if you think there is a problem with the way we are handling your data. There’s more details here.

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