Siân Berry, Green MP candidate for Brighton Pavilion, intervenes on L3 Harris

  • Candidate urges committee to act ‘morally and ethically’ in objection to controversial application
  • Will be available for interview outside Hove Town Hall while joining demonstrators on Wednesday

The application for a controversial weapons factory in Brighton run by L3 Harris will be considered later this week. The manufacturing company is applying to retain a temporary extension to their premises in Home Farm Road.

Many hundreds of local people have objected to the plans because the factory is thought to supply bomb racks for fighter jets that are used by the Israeli air force.

Siân Berry, Green MP candidate for Brighton Pavilion – who has supported local campaigners and their petition which now has 1,300 signatures [1] – has written to members of Brighton and Hove’s planning committee urging them to reject the application [2]. In her letter, she said:

“There are very credible grounds to conclude that the bomb racks and bomb release mechanisms L3 Harris manufactures for F-16 and F-35 aircraft have been in use by the Israeli Air Force in its assault on Gaza. Caroline Lucas, our former MP, has raised this issue in Parliament and received no response that indicates this is not the case.

“I also believe that recent statements by prosecutors at the International Court of Justice mean that the prevention of further deaths in Gaza among the vulnerable civilian population is a duty on all of us, so we must all take action, wherever we are able, to stop the assault and prevent it continuing in future.

“Acting to refuse this application would be in line with this duty. Morally and ethically, there should never be any weapons made in Brighton for illegal military actions, and you can make a difference in your decision this week.”

The letter lays out a summary of recently obtained information, namely, that:

  • Recent statements by prosecutors at the International Court of Justice mean that the prevention of further deaths in Gaza among the vulnerable civilian population is a duty on all of us, so we must all take action, wherever we are able, to stop the assault and prevent it continuing in future; and
  • There is a clear legal basis, as set out in the letter [the council] received last week from Professor Anna Stavrianakis at the University of Sussex, that the ultimate impacts of the continued use of this land for military weapon system manufacturing may be taken into account if you [the council], as a decision maker, consider them relevant.

Siân Berry will be at Hove Town Hall to watch the committee meeting on Wed 5 June at 2 pm. A gathering of objectors is planned outside ahead of the meeting from 1 pm.

Siân Berry says: 

“This business is currently potentially complicit in the violation of human rights, resulting in misery and death in global conflicts, and it cannot continue to be welcome in our city. This is why I will be with protestors outside Hove Town Hall on Tuesday to say no to this application.”


For further information or to arrange an interview with Sian outside Hove Town Hall: Charlie Norman [email protected]

Notes to editor

[1] Petition asking councillors to vote with their conscience and reject L3 Harris Planning Application BH2023/ 0323

[2] The full letter written by Sian Berry to all members of Brighton and Hove Planning Committee is viewable here

[3] All documents relating to the application can be viewed through the Brighton and Hove online Planning Register by searching application BH2023/03236.

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