About Siân

In 2010 Brighton made history by electing Caroline Lucas as Britain’s first Green MP. Her impact has been phenomenal and support for her has only grown.

People can see what a truly independent and strong representative can do, and I am working hard to earn each vote to prove that I can continue Caroline’s work.

For 8 years I held the Labour Mayor to account as a London Assembly Member on issues including Transport, Housing, and Planning and Regeneration Committees. During this time, I was proud to strengthen the rights of renters, improve sustainable transport services, and help win much-needed new funding for youth services.

I was also a Borough Councillor in for 10 years and served two terms as co-leader of The Green Party. These roles have combined to give me the experience to be an effective, independent MP.

I moved to London with an overdraft and a degree in 1997 and my previous, non-political work has been as a medical copywriter, PA, website manager, project manager for a digital start-up, author and transport campaigner.

Brighton deserves a powerful Green voice in Parliament, holding the next government to high account and championing the concerns of constituents.

Since moving here last year, I’ve been delighted to make my home here and work hard for your vote to keep Brighton green.

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