My submission to the Planning Inspectorate regarding  L3 Harris Release and Integrated Solutions Ltd

As the MP for Brighton Pavilion, I have made a representation regarding the appeal: APP/Q1445/W/24/3355883 Emblem House Home Farm Business Centre, Hone Farm Road Brighton BN1 9HU.

This relates to L3 Harris Release and Integrated Solutions Ltd (previously known as EDO MBM). This is a business that is currently potentially complicit in the violation of human rights, resulting in misery and death in global conflicts, and it cannot continue to be welcome in our city.

Constituents and campaigners are calling for the Inspectorate to hold a public hearing about this case and, given the level of local concern about the factory’s presence in the city, I agree this would be an important exercise in openness and transparency. 

My full submission below:

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