Sian Berry MP’s work in Parliament

Here you can see a summary of my voting record and the most recent contributions I have made in the House of Commons, including oral and written questions, speeches and debates.

I also propose and support a wide range of important Early Day Motions, and take part in debates in Westminster Hall, and in All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs) to work cross-party on a number of issues.

If you are a constituent, please get in touch if you would like more information about my work on any particular topic you care about, or if you would like me to take up an issue that will help you.

Contributions in the House:

>> You can see my full list of contributions since I was elected via They Work For You

Voting record:

My voting record is available on the Parliament website here:

Early Day Motions:

You can see which Early Day Motions I am supporting in the current Parliament here:

APPG officer roles:

I am currently vice-chair of the APPG on Humanism.

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