Gatwick expansion unwanted, says Sian Berry MP

Responding to the Transport Secretary’s decision to pursue a positive decision for Gatwick Airport to bring its northern terminal into constant use, (1) Siân Berry Green MP for Brighton Pavilion said:

“The Labour government is trashing its climate credentials one absurd decision at a time. Only one day after receiving critical advice from its own climate advisors on the need to lower flying demand, ministers continue to support yet more unnecessary expansion for the benefit of wealthy investors.

“Pushing through these damaging plans shows such poor economic judgement. Over 100,000 extra flights a year won’t deliver for our communities. Labour should listen to the public who think airport expansion is the wrong priority. Most of us fly once a year if at all and would rather see cheaper train tickets and more bus routes instead to help with our daily journeys and create jobs where we live, in contrast with frequent flyers leaching money out of the economy.

“The green economy grew by ten per cent last year, and this is where Labour should be investing to deliver high-wage, long-term jobs across the entire country.”

(1) Transport planning: Gatwick Airport – GOV.UK

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